Sunday 22 March 2015

Poem ~ Russian Descent on Memel - Monday, 22 March 1915

Fighting on streets of Memel, at the entrance of Libauerstraße on March 21, 1915 - sketch by Jamie, taken from an original image that can be seen at:

The age-old Kingdom of Prussia,
Became a victim of border games
An ethnic region to include
Slavic tribes and Polish blood -
To the West and to the East,
Baltic tribes - an old era to end
Under a Teutonic knight order -
Then back again to Ducal Prussia.

A varied country from Gdańsk Bay,
Across to the sandy Curonian
Spit on the southeastern coast,
Curving on the Baltic Sea - lands
That had seen many battles
And disputes about its borders -
All to be consolidated by Versailles
Hall of Mirrors, of 1871 reformed
Into the Unification of Germany.

Within Prussian territory, where
The mouth of Danė River flows
To the Baltic Sea - sat the town
Of Memel, a city of significance -
With varied trades and harbours,
A place of chemical works, iron
Foundries, crops of flax and grain,
And a centre of Baltic lumber trade -
To bring timber across the Niemen
River and shipped on in commerce.

The city lay sharply seated, on an
Angled part of German territory -
Reached by a single railway, about
Woody marshy, roadless country -
Behind that Vilna-Libau rail line,
Any attempts in passages of armies
Would face problematic difficulties.
Fort defences lay across Memel
Harbour - one on the mainland,
The other on Kurische Nehrung.

Within its perimeters lived a little
Population of 22,000 - when in
1914 declaration of war came,
Nothing more than a few forays
Saw the Germans cross over
Borders - Teutonic built Memel,
Having little strategic value, felt
Untouched by the 1914 war.

Having slowly been rebuilt after
A fire of 1854, the northeasterly
City of Germany Memel - without
Much importance - was held only
By unspecified amounts of troops -
Came under a Russian strategy
Of invasion - into East Prussia
18 March 1915 came marching
Russians - appearing by direction
Of North and East from Courland.

Up to 10,000 soldiers of mounted
Kind came - Russian Militia, border
Troops, Marines and reservists -
In manning Prussia's borders, was
A German lack of Landsturm force.
Low numbers then led to a fall back
Towards Memel, then still further
Back into the city, as Russian
Boots fell into Memel's boundary -
On the evening of 18 March 1915.

In a Russian trail were left burning
Buildings - hostages of three men
And the Memel Mayor were taken;
Civilians lay dead - with children
and women citizens, captured many
Were sent from Memel to Russia -
Still the German Landsturm force
Retreated, beyond Kurische Haff
Out to the Dunes of the Baltic Sea.

Despite commands from their
Commander, Russian troops
Still plundered the Memel stores
And civilian’s homes - until a brief
Withdrawal, saw the city freed -
For one day - until on Sunday
21 March Russians from the North
Re-entered Memel, to be met
By new Germans patrols from
The south - to push back invaders.

In the capture of Memel, under
Russian forces, street fighting
Started, with Przemysl forces
Repelled - within a deadlock
About the Memel fortress.
The Russians had brought shock
To the Prussians who had felt
Safe from all invasions - an act
Of fierce Russian Leadership
That took Germans by surprise.

Russians now turned to nearby
City of Lithuanian Gorzhdi, taking
In a western approach to march
At the Landsturm's weak ability
And bar their path - in capturing
Machine guns and cannons,
They held city by 8 p.m. 18 March.

In the retreat of two Landsturm
Regiments, citizens became
Fighter’s - irregular 'Franc-Tireurs' -
In a withdrawal, to stop further
Close-handed acts of bloodshed,
Russians instead started to hit
The town with artillery - assisted
By harboured ships, the people
And fled to Kurische Nehrung.

Evidence of German surprise,
Came with Berlin's warnings,
To the Russian allies - there
Would be reprisals, to places
Possessed by Germans forces  -
Yet the argument remained,
That if Russians had razed
The town, to kill the whole male
Population, they would have
Acted as Germans had done.

by Jamie Mann.

Anon.,1915. Russian Raid on Memel - Details of the Coup - The Town Shelled - German Franc-tireurs. The Daily Telegraph, [online] 22 Mar. P.11. Col.1. Available at: [Accessed: 22 March 2015].

Source.,1915. Prussia. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, [online] Available at: [Accessed: 21 March 2015].

Mann, J., 2015. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 22 March 2015). 

#WW1 #WW1centenary #GreatWar #WW1poem #GreatWar #WW1centenary #worldwarone #worldwaroneremembered  #WW1Prussia   #WW1Memel

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