Tuesday 31 March 2015

Poem ~ Guns On Rails - Wednesday, 31 March 1915

Armoured rail gun and crew  - A sketch by Jamie. (Freikorps Armored Train armed with one 7.62-cm Flak L/30 (russ 02) 'Eisenbahnflak' Rheinmetall). Taken from an original image that can be seen at: http://armoredcars-ww-one.blogspot.co.uk/2013_12_01_archive.html

Fighting methods had been devised,
Since the previous century's fights -
Using tactics of existing transports,
To carry trains of armed batteries.

Such technology saw gunnery action
In the field - from America's Civil War
Of 1861, into the Franco-Prussian
Conflicts, to see fighting in Boer Wars.

The heavy rail cars, like mobilised
Medieval castles  - of turreted guns
And metal boxes - led to adoptions
Of nations, as in Germany of 1915.

Though limited by their laid tracks,
Of iron roads - armoury of rail cars,
Could quickly provide transport for
Artillery firepower, across the country.

Such heavy rail stock vulnerability, lay
In the ability of enemy sabotage -
With mechanical methods of designs,
Of a wagon's needs to absorb recoils.

Such Krupp-built firepower devised
An attack on Thursday 25 March, '15
Of German rail power into Belgium -
Aiming their missiles from a distance.

The target village of Vlamertinghe,
Lay between Poperinghe and Ypres -
Being open to lively bombardment,
Likely from one such armoured train.

Damages and loss to the Belgium
Village were downplayed - but not
To say there was none made - most
Likely to have suffered civil destruction.

This coincided with Canadian troop
Movements, driving out to Ypres -
On 17-mile trip from Steenstraat to
Vlamertinghe - by Double Decker bus.

by Jamie Mann.

Anon.,1915. German Armoured Train. The Daily Telegraph, [online] 31 Mar. P.7. Col.2. Available at: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ww1-archive/11499977/Daily-Telegraph-March-31-1915.html [Accessed:  31 March 2015].

Source.,1915. Railway Gun. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [online] Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Railway_gun [Accessed: 29 March 2015].

Source.,1915. Armoured Train. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [online] Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armoured_train [Accessed: 29 March 2015].

Mann, J., 2015. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 31 March 2015). 

#WW1 #WW1centenary #GreatWar #WW1poem #GreatWar #WW1centenary #worldwarone #worldwaroneremembered #WW1Vlamertinghe

Monday 30 March 2015

Poem ~ 'Soldier seeks Correspondence' - Tuesday, 30 March 1915

Impression sketch of soldier receiving his post, 1915 - by Jamie.

From Bristol was relayed
Information from Mr Hobhouse,
Postmaster-General, who stated
How postal deliveries to the front
Were presently being limited.

Then there was the subject
Of one soldier in the trenches,
Having no one to write with,
Had advertised in a paper
To exchange correspondence.

Within three days an arrival
In the trench, before this
Soldier, was to include letters
Numbering 3,000, parcels -
Carried in six bags, along
With ninety large parcels.

No doubt this soldier's day was made.

by Jamie Mann.

Anon.,1915. The Soldiers Postbag. The Daily Telegraph, [online] 30 Mar. P.2. Col.3. Available at: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ww1-archive/11499956/Daily-Telegraph-March-30-1915.html [Accessed: 30 March 2015].

Mann, J., 2015. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 30 March 2015). 

#WW1 #WW1centenary #GreatWar #WW1poem #GreatWar #WW1centenary #worldwarone #worldwaroneremembered #WW1WesternFront

Sunday 29 March 2015

Поэма ~ Карпатский Конфликт - Понедельник, 29 Марта 1915

Артиллерия транспорт по Карпатского склоне - эскиз Джейми, взятые из исходного изображения, которое можно увидеть по адресу: http://www.historynet.com/carpathian-war-sidebar-eyewitness-to-agony.htm


Тем не менее зимой шла война для русских,
С сил в ногу держит Карпат.
План русского командования было
Сместить Австро-Венгрии, из из войны -
С их цели для венгерских равнин.

В ожидании русской кампании, Германии
Послал шесть дивизий их южной армии
Чтобы помочь Австро-Венгрии - как зимой развернулась
На реке Сан, сб Перемышль крепость - ворота
Это перекрыли северный путь в Карпаты.

С гарнизона осажденной в огромном крепости,
Их двойной монархии пытались остановить русских
Введите горные хребты - это формируется арочные
Барьер - ширина 75 миль и 3600 футов -
Два нападения на россиян уже не удалось, от
23 января 27 февраля - теперь пришел третьим.

28 марта все еще видел суровые условия, как Россия
Выдвинутый в Карпатах - за два дня до
Их прогресс на пути к Черновцах и Bartfield -
И в районном, Lutoviska и Балигруд - тогда
Набирает Галиции в российской администрации,
С 2500 заключенных, предложил Австрия может упасть.

Вера быть как австрийская армия собирается
От истощения к распаду - с 3000 пленных
Ежедневно в плен, общая оценка 600000 австрийцев
Взятые - выбить союз монархий армии
Вернуться в критической точке - их армия теряла тире.

Пыл австрийской кампании потери
Значение в своих мужчин - вместе с возможностью вооружить
Их в области - таким был союз оптимизм.
Вера проводится в готовности российских союзников в
Нажатие на каналы в долине и Венгрии.


Ожидание испортились иллюзиями короткой войне,
Как географии может привести только к катастрофе.
Горные районы требуется войска обученные
Для такого местности, высоты и разнообразной погоду.
При ограниченных проходов и бедных эксплуатируемых дорог
Может привести к ошибкам и стихийных бедствий для обеих сторон.

С проблемами артиллерии транспортом по
Высокие неровности основания - батареи были ограничены
Для нижних местности помешать атакам войск
Австрийский вера была не просто отвлечь русски
Вторжение, но и сделать большой, сильный победу
Из центральной власти - так было стремление Габсбургов.

С нормальным зимним спуска на горах
Карпат, команда Габсбургов годов
Были плохо подготовлены к затяжными ситуации
Для боевых действий в минусовых температурах на открытой
Равнины - войска столкнулись с отсутствием необходимости.

Экстремальные проливных дождей, пересечений ледяных водах,
Жестокие метели и отсутствие зимнего обмундирования
Приведет к промокших формы, замороженных в мужской
Тело - с неустойчивой продовольствия, если вообще получил
Может быть заморожены - обморожения и болезни привели к смерти.

Многие солдаты колебались под слабым оборудования -
Как и в картонных подошвах и воздействия в течение длительного времени;
Исчерпание быстро при движении через глубокие сугробы,
При необходимости лопатой снег, чтобы патрули или нападения;
Низкий моральный дух, физическое истощение для лошади и человека.

Как лошади может умереть, в прекращении цепей поставок
Мужчины тоже найдут смерть от снега - бодрствовать
С морозильной смерти, или выбрать свой конец, давая
В вражеского огня или принимать свою собственную жизнь - в темно-
Ночи были самыми низкими часов, как темной температурах
Упал на замораживание веки закрыты в течение кусаться ветра.

Мужчины шли в темноте несчетные часы - тени
Будет пересекать их пути, как волки съели на раненых
И больной мужские крики - так что если вы были австрийский
Венгерский солдат, вы не могли длиться до света - бороться
Против выносливых россиян - чьи Тактическое
Ожидание из Габсбургов преступления паузу до нападения.

Российские manourves командиров благоприятствования
Ночные удары - отступают на последние минуты - тогда
Для восстановления снова, обеспечивая Габсбургов остались
В атаке образований - из остаться в лютый холод,
Как они боролись за местностью - русские на выше
Первый, имеющего превосходную артиллерию, чтобы получить номера.


С российского Генштаба связи
Пройдя по - на 29 марта 1915 будет утверждать,
Как незначительные изменения были затем сделал рядом
Речные края - на левом берегу Вислы и право
Банк Нарев, не было никаких важных достижений.

С Австрия падения назад, как Россия перешла
Переадресация на Bartfeld, нашел Zboro деревни загорелся.
В перечисленных имен и названий, то бои об
Ravorjetz, в восточном высоты к Baligord;
Для отпор австрийцев недалеко от Russkedydiuva.

С дней сражаться на Koziuvka 2500 мужчин
Сорок австрийские офицеры - вместе с семью
Машина по стрельбе были приняты в то время как немецкий
Наличие в два раза пленных российских траншей
В Тартак и Серафин сел в то время как врагов
Усилия были возобновлены между Пизой и Szkwo.

Тем не менее немцы были отброшены оставив
Их с большими потерями - одна немецкая практика
Побывав лишить любой мертвый русский из
Их шинели - акт, который предложил целей
Для русской пехоты. Попытки действия Германии
Пострадавшая - сбитый или подавлен русскими.


Ночью 28 марта главнокомандующего
Российских союзников Указывается, каким образом на пятницу,
Русский преступление взяла новый максимум линии, прежде
Передняя часть 23 миль - как 3 австрийские батальоны
Восток Mlimaroc, были вырезаны в штыковую боя.

26 видел обменов около форта
Из Ossowieces, как нападения на немецком
Траншеи в результате 600 заключенных - офицеры
Для номер пять и два пулемета - это
Если бы был в области Вах, Тартак и Zawdy
В связи России продолжал говорить,
Как их оппозиция напала о
Munkacs-Стрый - с попытками противника выбросить
Гранаты в смежных окопах; все остановки.
Все эти manouvres предложил российский превосходство,
Были легко избиение назад австрийскую армию.

Сражения, хотя, никогда не достаточно, как они могут
Казалось бы, - Как Российской преступления марта
Открыт против немецкой Южной армии
И Австрийский третьих - в рамках Унгвар -
Будучи вынужден остановить примерно в 30 километрах коротко -
Только к лицу силу немецкой Бескид корпуса;
Так осуществляется на кровавых Карпат сражений.

by Jamie Mann.

Anon., 1915. Кампания Российской Army- продолжения наступления - Огромный австрийский проигрывает. Daily Telegraph, [онлайн] 29 марта P.8. Col.7. Входит в: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ww1-archive/11499936/Daily-Telegraph-March-29-1915.html [Доступ: 29 марта 2015].

Источник., 1915. Карпатский Зимняя война 1915 года По Graydon А. Танстелла Первоначально опубликовано в журнале MHQ. Опубликовано на сайте: 13 мая 2014 [онлайн] Доступно на: http://www.historynet.com/carpathian-catastrophe.htm [Доступ: 29 марта 2015].

Источник., 1915. Карпатский войны Врезка: Свидетель Agony полковник Георг Veith Первоначально опубликовано в журнале MHQ. Опубликовано на сайте: 13 мая 2014 [онлайн] Доступно на: http://www.historynet.com/carpathian-war-sidebar-eyewitness-to-agony.htm [Доступ: 29 марта 2015].

Источник., 1915. Карпатская операция 1915 года А. В. Kudritskii. Большая советская энциклопедия, 3-е издание (1970-1979). © 2010 Гейл Group [онлайн] Доступно на: http://www.historynet.com/carpathian-war-sidebar-eyewitness-to-agony.htm [Доступ: 29 марта 2015].

Манн, J., 2015. 100 лет назад - Стихи Джейми Манн. [Письмо] (Личная переписка, 1 марта 2015 г.).



# WW1 # WW1centenary #GreatWar # WW1poem #GreatWar # WW1centenary #worldwarone #worldwaroneremembered # WW1Caparthians

Poem ~ Carpathian Conflict - Monday, 29 March 1915

Artillery Transport on Carpathian slope  - A sketch by Jamie, taken from an original image that can be seen at: http://www.historynet.com/carpathian-war-sidebar-eyewitness-to-agony.htm


Still winter war raged on for the Russians,
With forces in the foot holds of the Carpathians.
The plan of Russian command had been
To displace Austria Hungary, from out of the war -
With their objective for the Hungarian Plains.

In anticipation of the Russian campaign, Germany
Had sent six divisions of their southern army
To assist Austria Hungary - as winter unfolded
On the San River, sat Przemysl fortress - a gate
That blocked the Northern way to the Carpathians.

With the garrison besieged in a huge fortress,
Their Dual Monarchy sought to stop Russians
Enter the mountain ranges - that formed an arched
Barrier - a width of 75 miles and 3,600 feet high -
Two attacks on Russians had already failed, from
23 January and 27 February - now came a third.

28 March still saw harsh conditions, as Russia
Pushed into the Carpathians - two days before
Their progress towards Czernowitz and Bartfield -
And to the Rayons, Lutoviska and Baligrod - then
The gaining of Galicia into Russian administration,
With 2,500 prisoners, suggested Austria might fall.

The belief being how the Austrian army was going
From attrition to disintegration - with 3,000 captives
Daily captured, a total estimate of 600,000 Austrians
Taken - to knock the Monarchies union of armies
Back into a critical point - their army was losing dash.

The ardour of the Austrian campaign was losing
Value in their men - along with the ability to arm
Them in the field - such was the allied optimism.
A belief held for the Russian allies readiness in
Pushing into the valley's channels and Hungary.


Anticipation soured with illusions of a short war,
As geography could only lead to catastrophe.
Mountainous regions required troops trained
For such terrain, altitude and varied weather.
With limited passes and poor maintained roads
Could lead to errors and disasters for both sides.

With challenges to artillery transport across
High uneven grounds - batteries were restricted
To the lower terrains to hinder attacks of troops
The Austrian belief was not just to deflect Russian
Invasion, but also to make a great, strong victory
Of central powers - so was the Habsburg ambition.

With the normal wintery descent on the mountains
Of Carpathians, the command of the Hapsburg's
Were ill prepared for the long drawn out situation
For fighting in subzero temperatures across open
Plains - troops were faced with lack of necessities.

Extremes of heavy rainfall, crossings of icy waters,
Vicious snowstorms and the lack of winter uniforms
Would lead to sodden uniforms, frozen to a man's
Body - with erratic food supplies, if at all received
Could be frozen - frostbite and ailments led to death.

Many soldiers floundered under feeble equipment -
As in cardboard soles and exposure for long periods;
Exhaustion was quick in moving through deep drifts,
In need shovel snow, to make patrols or assaults;
Low morale, physical exhaustion for horse and man.

As the horses might die, in halting the supply chains
Men too would find death from snow - to stay awake
From a freezing death, or choosing their end by giving
Into enemy fire or taking their own life - in the dark
Nights were the lowest hours as dark temperatures
Fell to freezing eyelids closed within biting winds.

Men marched in darkness for untold hours - shadows
Would cross their paths, as wolves ate on wounded
And ill men's screams - So If you were a Austrian
Hungarian soldier, you might not last till light - to fight
Against hardier Russians - whose tactics involved
Waiting out Hapsburg offences pauses before attacks.

Russian manourves of the commanders favoured
Nighttime strikes - retreating at last moments - then
To re-establish again, ensuring Hapsburgs remained
In attack formations - made to stay in the bitter cold,
As they struggled over terrain - Russians on higher
Ground having superior artillery to gain numbers.


With Russian General staff communications
Coming through - on 29 March 1915 would state
How little changes had been then made beside
The river edges - on left bank of Vistula and right
Bank of Narew, were no important advancements.

With Austria falling back, as Russia moved
Forwards to Bartfeld, found Zboro village alight.
In the listed names, the battles raged about
Ravorjetz, in an easterly height towards Baligord;
To fight back Austrians of near Russkedydiuva.

With the days fight at Koziuvka 2,500 men
Forty Austrian officers - along with seven
Machine gunnery were taken while a German
Presence twice captured Russian trenches
At Tartak and Serafin villages while enemies
Efforts were renewed between Pisa and Szkwo.

Still the Germans were driven back leaving
Them with big losses - one German practice
Having been to strip any dead Russian from
Their greatcoats - an act that offered targets
To Russian infantry. Attempted German actions
Suffered - downed or silenced by the Russians.


By night of 28 March, a commander in chief
Of Russian allies stated, how on the Friday,
A Russian offence took a new high line, above
A front of 23 miles - how 3 Austrian Battalions
East of Mlimaroc, were cut out in bayonet fight.

The 26th had seen exchanges about the fort
Of Ossowieces, as an onslaught for German
Trenches resulted in 600 prisoners - officers
To number five and two machine guns - this
Had been in the Wach, Tartak and Zawdy region
The Russian communications went on to say,
How their opposition had attacked about
Munkacs-Stryi - with enemy attempts to throw
Grenades into allied trenches; all being stopped.
All such manouvres suggested Russian superiority,
Were easily battering back the Austrian army.

Battles though, are never quite how they may
Seem to be - As the Russian March offence
Opened out Against German Southern Army
And the Austrian Third - advancing to Ungvár -
Being forced to halt some 30 Kilometers short -
Only to face a force of German Beskid Corps;
So carried on the bloody Carpathian battles.

by Jamie Mann.

Anon.,1915. Campaign of the Russian Army - Continued Advance - Huge Austrian Loses. The Daily Telegraph, [online] 29 Mar. P.8. Col.7. Available at: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ww1-archive/11499936/Daily-Telegraph-March-29-1915.html [Accessed: 29 March 2015].

Source.,1915. The Carpathian Winter War, 1915. By Graydon A. Tunstall  Originally published by MHQ magazine. Published Online: May 13, 2014  [online] Available at: http://www.historynet.com/carpathian-catastrophe.htm [Accessed: 29 March 2015].

Source.,1915. The Carpathian War Sidebar: Eyewitness to Agony By Colonel Georg Veith Originally published by MHQ magazine. Published Online: May 13, 2014  [online] Available at: http://www.historynet.com/carpathian-war-sidebar-eyewitness-to-agony.htm [Accessed: 29 March 2015].

Source.,1915. Carpathian Operation of 1915. A. V. Kudritskii. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group [online] Available at: http://www.historynet.com/carpathian-war-sidebar-eyewitness-to-agony.htm [Accessed: 29 March 2015].

Mann, J., 2015. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 1 March 2015). 

#WW1 #WW1centenary #GreatWar #WW1poem #GreatWar #WW1centenary #worldwarone #worldwaroneremembered #WW1Caparthian

Saturday 28 March 2015

Poem ~ Falaba: 'The Thrasher incident' - Sunday, 28 March 1915

The sinking of R.M.S. Falaba  - An sketch by Jamie, taken from an original image that can be seen at: http://www.lowestoftjournal.co.uk/news/lowestoft_s_trawler_heroes_of_shocking_u_boat_attack_1_3614860

Note: Other images of the incident can also be viewed on this website. Included are photos taken by an army officer on board: http://www.lowestoftjournal.co.uk/news/lowestoft_s_trawler_heroes_of_shocking_u_boat_attack_1_3614860

The Elder Dempster shipping line, a major
Player serving West Africa trade routes,
Commissioned in 1913 R.M.S. Falaba -
Built by Stephens and Sons in Glasgow's
Construction yards - in 1915, on 27 March,
Falaba left Liverpool on a routine voyage.

The civilian ship had welcomed aboard
All the passengers of varied nationalities
Among those who joined the travellers
On deck was a 31 year old Leon Thrasher,
An American from Massachusetts State -
His occupation being a mining engineer.

Work was taking Thrasher out to Africa
And the Gold Coast of Ghana. The crew
Had welcomed their charges and showed
Them all to their quarters - Captain Davis,
With his crew of 96, prepared with cargo
And passengers began voyage at 6 p.m.

As a passenger boat they carried no
Offensive gunnery on board - although
Their cargo, at a value of £50,000, had
Been loaded at the docks - to be ordinary
Kind of gunpowder and cartridges - of 13
Tons for general use on the African Coast.

Gathered on the deck, the passengers
Enjoyed the journey's start, as it moved on
The Mersey out to sea - ready to serve,
The crew of Stewards and Stewardesses
Prepared the paying guests their comforts;
undeterred by any presence of submarines.

Leon Thrasher was among the nationalities,
As a singular representative of the USA.
While independent of war status, his country's 
President Wilson, had made protestations 
At the British embargo, to starve the German
Nation - by denying all goods and munitions.

With the sea at war having stepped up, orders
To merchant vessels had been to disguise
Their names and port of calls - another ruse
Was for flags of neutral nations to be flown.
Submarine challenges would all be ignored -
Any unarmed ships were to ram enemy boats.

A German response of February, had been
The Kaiser's declaration, to declare waters
About Britain as zone of war - any merchant
Ships present at sea would be open to attack,
Despite neutrality - Mr Leon Thrasher on deck,
Looked out to sea, as R.M.S. Falaba made sail.

The journey had started out for Sierra Leone,
Under Captain Davis, with twenty years
Of experience and Mr Baxter, Chief Officer.
The morning of the 28 March 1915 began
With the ship's breakfast - by  late morning, 
11.30 a.m. the Captain was in the chart room.

On the bridge watch, was the third Officer
Mr Pengilly and Mr Baxter  - when at 11.40 a.m.
Was seen - 2 point abaft the starboard beam,
At three miles - the firm shape of a submarine.
Mr Pengilly believed he saw the British ensign;
At a distance lay another steamer, Eileen Emma.

Falaba was travelling at 13 knots, being 60 miles
West of St Ann's Head - the sea was then heavy
And becoming choppier. With Captain Davis
Summoned, their course was altered to keep
The submarine astern - with orders to increase
Speed, which the engine room was unable to make.

The Submarine came closer, moving at 18 knots
Their ensign could now be seen to be German -
Baxter ordered Marconi operator to signal stations,
And state submarines fast approach at 11.50 a.m.-
Within ten minutes, the enemy submarine fired
Up a signal to stop - to wave flags to abandon ship.

The Captain's orders kept the Falaba moving,
Trying to keep astern - another flag signal read
Said 'stop or I fire.' passengers by now had
Seen the German presence, as the Chief Officer
And Captain agreed - any escape was impossible.
A third signal then said abandon ship immediately.

The engine room responded - then a enemy crew
Member of the German submarine, by megaphone
Said take to the boats, as they would sink the ship
Within five minutes - Captain Davis replied to say
This was being done, while a Marconi operator sent
A message of position - at 12.05 p.m. Falaba stopped.

There was a hundred yards between both crafts.
Passengers crew had all hurried to lower boats.
Among them the American, Leon Thrasher, stared at
The Germans; a neutral citizen caught up in Europe's.
War, he looked to his watch, 12:10 p.m.  - screams
And shouts filled the air about, as a torpedo struck.

The strike was on the starboard side - the blast
Centring by the Marconi room and No.1 lifeboat -
The hit was fatal as the boat listed starboard.
Within 20 minutes of the U-28's Commander -
Baron Fostner's intentions to sink the 5000 ton
Falaba - task was done, with 242 people aboard.

Within eight minutes, the passenger ship sank -
Accounts of survivors swaying to the fact, how
The enemy crew and captain jeered and laughed,
As people in the water struggled to survive - many
To drown - Moving back short minutes, to review
The unfolding events and how facts came to light.

Between the signals to stop and actual halting,
The passengers had been assembled on deck -
Told to put on lifebelts, with the fourth officer being
Sent to ensure this done - while the crew, from
The engine room, were ordered on deck - followed
By the order all to 'Man the Boats,' down to water.

Some survivors were to say, that some lifeboats
Were evidently in a rotten condition - the larger ones;
1,2,3,4, as old as the ship - Yet another date states
1906 as age of the Falaba; in an opposing reports
Gave Falaba's construction date of 1913 - but lifeboats
No's 3 and 4 were filled both to save 80 people.

A following enquiry was yet to discuss the situation,
To determine Falaba's lifeboats current conditions -
As surviving passengers sought compensations.
The rushed events of hurried disorder on deck had
Led to one boat slipping, another dashed on the side,
While another one jammed - all due to lack of time.

The aftermath was reported, that out of 242
104 people were lost - 47 being the crew, with
57 being passengers  - a concerted rescue
Had been carried out by boats in the area -
Trawlers came, as did the drifter Eileen Emma;
But only able to reach the position after sinking.

Captain Davis had floundered into the water,
With many of his crew - to include a stewardess
Louisa Tearle - This marker of eight months
Of war also saw the drowning of Leon Thrasher -
The first American victim of the european war -
His death noted in a memo from his President.

This memo of the U.S. government, was yet
To be sent to the German Government -
Giving out a caution over dangers of Germany's
Policy, on unrestricted submarine sea warfare.
The loss of Leon Thrasher was then to play a part,
In America's warning shot across German bows.

by Jamie Mann.

Source.,1915. The story of the R.M.S. "Falaba." Merseyside Roll of Honour [online] Available at: http://www.merseysiderollofhonour.co.uk/obits/ships/falaba.htm [Accessed: 28 March 2015].

Source.,1915. First American citizen killed during WWI. www.history.com [online] Available at: http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/first-american-citizen-killed-during-wwi [Accessed: 28 March 2015].

Source.,1915. SS Falaba – Sunk 28 March 1915. www.history.com [online] Available at: http://www.mrscottstours.com/ss-falaba-sunk-28-march-1915/ [Accessed: 28 March 2015].

Mann, J., 2015. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 28 March 2015). 

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