Tuesday 24 March 2015

Poem ~ Army Food For a Lady - Wednesday, 24 March 1915

Cartoon of Madam Bechoff receiving army food- sketch by Jamie, taken from an original image that can be seen at: http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/artwork/143200

Other images of the court scenes can be viewed at:

In the third week of January 1915
An arrest had been suddenly made
Of M. Desclaux, Chief de Cabinet,
For M. Cailaux and Army Paymaster.

Ten days later a Madame Bechoff,
From the firm of the same name -
Bechoff-David & Co the dressmakers,
In the palatial area of Place Vendome.

Desclaux was charged with taking
Many army stores of foodstuffs -
Madame Bechoff charged in receipt
Of the said stolen goods.

With the two prime ringleaders
Five others were also accused;
Two soldiers, Depuy and Pinson
Of the Commissariat Department.

Dozias and Verges, being two Postal
Employees and the wife of Dozias.
The court drama was also to witness
Many highly fashionable women.

An atmosphere of 'Cause Celebre'
Filled the courtroom - the discreetly
Dressed, amid officers. Soldiers with
Bandaged arms and heads, watched.

In uniform of a Lieutenant Colonel,
M. Desclaux stood straight - Madame
Bechof, dressed in black, hid her pale
Features behind a veil and big felt hat.

The centre point focused on a still life,
To suggest a grocers shop window, with
Piles of groceries tinned sardines, tea
Packets lain out as displayed evidence.

After all technicalities and report read
Juge d’instruction by Commandant
Marcay - stepped up the first witness,
Bechoff Housekeeper, Madame Lecadet.

The denouncement of her employer,
Was due to one of Desclaux’s delivery,
A Dragoons uniform - she had believed
Was for a German Officer's disguise.

Another servant said similar, in their
Feeling of disgust for such people's
Wealth - who would steal provisions
For soldiers, while the poor starved.

It was stated how Desclaux had
Also supplied other ladies - to amuse
The court, but not madame Bechoff,
Who stood to state their betrayal of her.

Questions turned to her anger at the
Servants - then how Desclaux had
Influenced her that the goods he sent
Were all his own to give to herself.

With her wealth she had no need
Of them, noting her household cost
Was £11,000 pa - how since the wars
Start she had donated £1000 to charity.

A letter of Bechoff to Desclaux said
How a lunch she gave did not cost much.
A reply was how she hated his sent
Gifts, asking him not to send more.

Another part of a Bechoff letter read
‘Don’t send anymore meat, mon gosse-
Little boy.’ Madame reacted to ask
Where are the other women in receipt?

Then, with suggestions of espionage,
Bechoff declared herself double patritotic,
A Frenchwoman and Alsatian - while
17 of her relations fought at the front.

A letter that the Police had received had
Prompted a watch on Madame Bechoff’s
House on Avenue Henri Martin - to make
their arrest 19 January during a delivery.

The arrest was of soldier Dozias who
Took three provision bags to her door.
Army parcel sacks addressed to Madame
Bechoff, with beef mutton rum and more.

A search of the property led to other finds
Of food packages – the search also turned
To Madame's villa at Savigny-sur-Orge,
To be found further army provisions.

Prisoner Desclaux was next on the stand,
To state he had no belief that he had
Done any wrong, only to be indiscreet -
He was an economist and not a miser.

The court laughted as Desclaux told how
He had given his detachment 20 francs
Of cigars at Christmas - the court had yet
To conclude case of Desclaux and Bechoff.

by Jamie Mann.

Anon.,1915. Army Stores – French Paymaster on Trial – Madam Bechoff’s Evidence. The Daily Telegraph, [online] 24 Mar. P.9. Col.6. Available at: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ww1-archive/11490644/Daily-Telegraph-March-24-1915.html [Accessed: 24 March 2015].

Mann, J., 2015. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 24 March 2015). 

#WW1 #WW1centenary #GreatWar #WW1poem #GreatWar #ww1centenary #worldwarone #worldwaroneremembered  #WW1Paris

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