Monday 2 March 2015

Poem ~ A King Drops By - Tuesday, 2 March 1915

Source: File: King George V.jpg, 2015. The Year Ahead: 1915 January 15, 2015 · by richreynolds74 1915 in the United Kingdom. 2 March 1915. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed: 2 March 2015].

A habit had been formed, of keeping
The location of King George a secret,
As he travelled about the British Isles.

On 27 February 1915, at an unnamed
Well-known station, the monarch had
Arrived by train, making an early rise.

A Saturday and no one about, had any
Awareness of the king's presence - who
Liked to visit his troops without ceremony.

The King had, as they arrived, noticed
A small encampment of soldiers, based
A quarter of a mile from where he rested.

With the encampment consisting of some
15 troopers and being off the beaten track,
To reach them the king had to climb one
Embankment and jump various ditches.

With an entourage King George reached
The men as they carried out their morning
Toilet using vessels and buckets for water.

A soldier was washing his face, as he saw
An officer before him – at sudden attention
The king told him to continue, which he did.

The impromptu ranking visitor made some
Talk with the troopers – who, never before
Had seen the monarch, carried on unaware.

For fifteen minutes K.G. asked them about
Their duties - only with the visitor’s departure
Were they surprised, and delighted, to learn
They had been quietly talking with their King.

by Jamie Mann.

Anon.,1915. King’s Surprise Visit – Early Morning Camp Scene. The Daily Telegraph, [online] 2 Mar. p.9. Col.2. Available at: [Accessed: 2 March  2015].

Mann, J., 2014. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 2 March  2015).

#WW1 #WW1centenary #GreatWar #WW1poem #GreatWar #ww1centenary #worldwarone #worldwaroneremembered #WW1KingGeorge

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