Friday 13 March 2015

Poem ~ Pappenheim: Would-be Saboteur - Saturday, 13 March 1915

Sketch of Captain Werner von Pappenheim by Jamie - see original image at:

German misbehavior spread
Out, into the regions of China  -
Stretching effects of Europe’s
War - adding to the global scale.
Their endeavor for sabotage,
To use route of East Central Asia,
Into Mongolia and the Northeast
Region of Manchuria.

Within the early stages of war,
In the city of North East China,
Mukden - since called Shenyang -
The German Consulate presence
Had been rumored to have incited
The hunghutze - Red Beards -
Being Chinese rebel bandits,
Who had previously plagued
A Russian presence in Manchuria.
Germans prompted Hunghutze
To raid Easter Chinese Railway.

Yet without any satisfactory
Results from this alliance, came
Captain Werner von Pappenheim
The German Military Attaché
In Pekin - he decided he would
Undertake such a simple mission
Himself - with preparations made
Pappenheim cleverly secured
Chinese Passports, for himself
And seven Germans - their
Pretences being for a hunting trip
Out into the Khingan Mountains.

Having escaped Tsingtao, which
Had seen battle, only months
Before, they were reported to be
Between Tsitsihar and Buhaidu.
This sabotage party, consisted
Of four Chinese, a Mongol, seven
Germans, five horses and twenty
Camels - in a heading towards
Manchuria - their known mission
Was to assault the Siberian
Railway, in destroying Russian
Tunnels and tracks.

Under Pappenheim's lead
The caravan was packed
With explosives, to hit lines
Between Tsitsihar ad Hailar.
Additionally Pappenheim also
Carried a small treasury -
50,000 rubles of the money
He offered a Mongol chief,
For the mercenary employ
Of 300 of their men.

Taking pursuit, the Russians
Had been alerted by two
Of their national merchants,
Abraham Berkovitz and
Grigorii Shadrin - who told
Their Russian Consul in Hailar.
Between Kalgan and railways,
Along the Tea Road the Germans
Were easily tracked by spies and
Officers of Russian Intelligence
In Irkutsk, were informed.

5th Transamur Border Cavalry
Regiment then set out to
Capture Pappenheim. Rewards
Were offered to forthcoming
Mongol princes to make capture -
But one prince, Babush-Shab,
On 20 February trapped and took
The German saboteur party.
Slaughtering the men, they
Destroyed evidence and bodies
With their own incendiary benzol.

by Jamie Mann.

Anon.,1915. Siberian Railway - Amazing German Plot. The Daily Telegraph, [online] 13 Mar. P.6. Col.4. Available at: [Accessed: 13 March 2015].

Mann, J., 2015. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 13 March 2015).

#WW1 #WW1centenary #GreatWar #WW1poem #GreatWar #WW1centenary #worldwarone #worldwaroneremembered #WW1China  #WW1Russia

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