Wednesday 15 April 2015

Poem ~ The Rising of Italy - Thursday, 15 April 1915

Impression Sketch of Benito Mussolini - By Jamie Mann. The original images can be seen at:

Now Italy began their move into the war.
The men of the Italian army were ordered,
To quickly prepare themselves in readiness.

Italian Officers in Swiss Canton of Ticino,
In receiving orders were given a road route
To prepare their journey to Italian cruisers.

The Italian battle cruisers of Marsata
And Conte de Cavour were then at harbour.
Their receipt of war flags held in readiness.

Some civilian mobilisation moved to prepare;
As with Rome's formation committee for many
Students and young girl's of military exemption.

Their pledge was to give assistance of duty,
In state institutions and hospitals - meanwhile
First aid planning is made ready for wounded.

This care, provided by Samaritan school -
While an indignant press and country call
To punish a police officer in a civil death.

The previous Sunday in Cathedral square,
To demonstrate for Italy to intervene in war,
A civilian was struck and killed by a baton.

In reaction, the labour bureau committee
Prompted protest, with a 24 hour strike
Trains and industry halted - shops closed.

The success of the strike was followed 
By numerous meetings in the afternoon
As heightening emotions were raised.

Soon the Italian army would side with
The triple Entente; Russia, France and
Britain against the triple alliance side.

Italy had once been on side of Austria
Hungary and Germany so that when war
Broke they might have sided with them.

Instead Italy played a waiting game -
To be astute - many believed remaining
Neutral, which dismayed the nationalists

Mussolini, being against any war, calling
To put arms down and raise humanity, until
His question: Italy, spectators or fighters?

Disbanded From the socialist party, Mussolini,
As others agreed to join him, in motivation;
France and Britain had hoped Italy’s alliance.

A need to open a southern front and extend
The western front thereby weaken the enemy -
Italy having secretly signed Treaty of London.
Italian leaders had been informed they would
Gain lands of Dalmatia, Tyrol and Istria  -
Which were then the territory of the Adriatic.

by Jamie Mann.

Anon.,1915. Italy and the War – Excitement in Milan. The Daily Telegraph, [online] 15 Apr. P.10. Col.4. Available at: [Accessed: 15 April 2015].

Mann, J., 2015. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 15 April 2015). 

#WW1 #WW1centenary #GreatWar #WW1poem #GreatWar #WW1centenary #worldwarone #worldwaroneremembered  #WW1Italy


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