Monday 20 April 2015

Poem ~ A Gadget for Every Soldier - Tuesday, 20 April 1915

Impression Sketch of two officers of the Loyal North Lancashire Regiment pose for the camera in February 1915 (the officer on the right is holding a Vest Pocket Kodak) - By Jamie Mann. An original images can be seen at:

For more details on this WW1 gadget, equal to today's mobile cameras, see article,  'The Vest Pocket Kodak was the Soldier’s Camera':

Picture a picture of a new small gadget,
Something the size of the hand of a man.
A compact machine, shown actual size,
Under the heading 'Give him a soldier's Kodak.'

This war is different from wars before -
So is suggestion to solve a problem,
Of giving a friend or relative about
To leave for the front; a brand new pocket Kodak.

Precise as a watch, to tell the story
Of Australians - Kodak from Sydney,
NE and all states for soldier’s desire
To record memories, on a cartridge film of Kodak.

Vest pocket cameras extend to open
Ready, as shown in operation, by any
Hand - all laid out in black and white -
An ideal gift for a soldier; to the front with Kodak.

Ideal gift for any Anzac, is this vest
Pocket Kodak - small thin and flat
Slightly bigger than a cigarette case,
To fit in a tunic pocket - he's armed with a Kodak.

Light, small and strong - a VPK made
Of steel and aluminum - to take rough
Rides, strong enough to stop a bullet
As some already have done - is armor of Kodak.

A gadget that is simplicity itself -
No need to understand workings.
Usage can be learnt in 30 minutes -
No attachments; simplicity is the word of Kodak.

Always ready for action to capture 
A moment, the VPK is never in way.
Extend the front and press trigger -
A picture is made - 8 can be taken with a Kodak.

Easy to load as a revolver, with image
Size 2 1/2 long 11/4 in. wide, to enlarge
To any size - A single lens can capture
In bright sunshine; so is the advantage of Kodak.

The anastigmatic lens type is best
For the soldier - twice as fast in light
That is less than good, a 50/- model;
The film cartridge always gives quality in Kodak.

The film stays fresh for 12 months;
Ideal for the soldier faced with delays
In front line developing - or to send
Home for printing, with a good dealer of Kodak.

The proof is in the picture displays,
Made from soldiers VPK negatives.
So if you have an Anzac relative, arm
Him with Kodak - as easy to shoot as a revolver.

by Jamie Mann.

Anon.,1915. Advert: Give Him a Soldier's Kodak. The Sydney Morning Herald, [online] 14 Apr. P.7. Col.5-8. Available at: [Accessed: 20 April 2015].

Mann, J., 2015. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 20 April 2015). 

#WW1 #WW1centenary #GreatWar #WW1poem #GreatWar #WW1centenary #worldwarone #worldwaroneremembered #WW1Western front #WW1Australia #WW1Anzac

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