Thursday 9 April 2015

Poem ~ Control of the Modern Army - Friday, 9 April 1915

In a modern approach to modern warfare,
Which had had never seen such a scale -
With battles on different fronts - across many
Different frontiers, any single control over
Any single battle, proved all but impossible.

Within this twentieth century war, a chain
Of command was set to organise openings
Followed by unfolding fighting - starting from
Central point of General Headquarters down
To the staff of each divisional headquarters.

Faced by separation of distances, how might
Then great battalions be controlled – where
Generals once rode on horseback, to stand
On high hills over valleys, directing battle
Lines below, was suddenly a thing of the past.

How then does the modern war system work?
Prior accounts had already roughly sketched
Out the commanding chains – yet a more
Detailed emergence of operations could
Give a command overview, as Neuve Chapple.

Standing back from panoramic viewpoints,
Of Generals picturesque commanding fields
Of cavalries in charging, hitting and charging
Again - changed to commands sat remotely
Back in safer headquarters armed with maps.

A commandeered farmhouse sets a Neuve
Chapple scenario in rooms to house General
Staff, set back some hundred yards behind
The lines of fire and gunnery commanders
Of Brigade within a short distance of the field.

Officers based in cellar shelters or dugouts,
In coordination of communications, to pass
To their battalion HQ by methods of runners,
Orderlies and telephone lines that trail out
To Divisional army and corps headquarters.

The only way for unit commanders making
Significant marks in any battle, is to deploy
Reserved fresh troops  - the practice being
To hold back such soldiers in readiness -
Modern war situation disallows direct control.

The hails of iron and lead that fell as curtains
Over their men, prompt needs for self-reliance
In operations - confusion of fighting in pocket
Sized country –outcomes became reliant on
Soldier resourcefulness and officer initiative.

Once troops charge and set in a direction
Makes for almost an impossibility to change
Their course – communications proving
Problematic - runners and orderlies are shot
As susceptible telephone wires can get cut

With men in midst of heavy fire precise
Situations are quickly unknown - only then
Can commanders engage reserves to sway
Battles to fill gap or flank a resistant strong
Hold or a force to push weary troops forwards

All is test for officers to make rapid decisions.
From theory to actuality was a picture to show
The practice of command of Neuve Chapple -
In a commandeered large farmhouse a mile
Behind the lines of fire – sat the headquarters

Close by a road stretches up to the house
Named HQ outside stand despatch riders
Next to their waiting machines in readiness
To convey messages - now and then one
Leaves as another arrives with a message.

by Jamie Mann.

Anon.,1915. A Modern Battle – Great Responsibility by Regimental Leader – Control by Telephone. The Daily Telegraph, [online] 9 Apr. P.9. Col.7. Available at: [Accessed: 9 April 2015].

Mann, J., 2015. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 9 April 2015). 

#WW1 #WW1centenary #GreatWar #WW1poem #GreatWar #WW1centenary #worldwarone #worldwaroneremembered  #WW1Neuve Chapple

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