Monday 14 March 2016

Poem ~ Woman Harbours Deserter - Tuesday, 14 March 1916

Impression sketch for Woman Harbours Deserter - by Jamie.

39 miles West of Central London,
In the market town of Wokingham,
Police were alerted of a possible
Deserter of a Canadian Contingent.

Saturday 11 March 1916, a source
Gave information that an address
Was being harboured a soldier -
Being Goodchild Road, Wokingham.

The name of the absentee soldier
Was Corporal Frederick Shepherd.
Superintendent Goddard and other
Officers approached the address.

In the hours of Saturday night
They knocked on the house door -
Inside resident Eva Brant, denied
To allow police any admission.

Their attempts to make a Police
Entry continued for 45 minutes -
With the doors barred, Eva Brant
Refused to listen to the officers.

Inside Eva told Frederick to hide,
As outside the house, movements
By officers of the law to gain access -
When Eva likely decided all was lost.

Motivated to fight for the Canadian,
She turned up the extinguished
Gas taps and opened the house
Door - 'so find the soldier,' she said.

With gas leaking, Eva pulled out
A revolver onto Superintendent
Goddard, to say, with loaded gun,
One spark would end them all.

The other officer behind her went
To grab her arm, as Goddard made
A move to disarm her - in a struggle
Eva Brant was forced to drop the gun.

With Eva Brant arrested, Canadian
Corporal Frederick Shepherd
Was soon discovered, hiding
Behind a door - the matter done.

Was it for love that Eva might  
Have caused an explosion? so that
They all should die? Wokingham
Police Court detained both subjects.

Charged as deserter the Canadian,
Corporal Shepherd was handed
Over to Military - as Eva Brant was
Charged £8 for pointing a revolver.

by Jamie Mann.

Anon.,1916. Arrest Of A Deserter. The Daily Telegraph, [online] 14 March 1916. P.10. Col.3. Available at: [Accessed: 14 March 2016].

Mann, J., 2016. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 14 March 2016). 

#WW1 #WW1centenary #WW1poem #GreatWar #WW1centenary #worldwarone #worldwaroneremembered #WW1France

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