Thursday 17 March 2016

Poem ~ Guard Shoots Civilian - Friday, 17 March 1916

Impression sketch for Guard Shoots Civilian - by Jamie.

At a coastal situation of East Sussex,
Alma Axell, a Labourer from
Rye Harbour village, had been asleep
Within a fishermen’s hut.

Private George Tuck of the 1/7th Cyclist
Battalion, Devonshire Regiment,
Started day as part of the coastal patrol -
On usual lookout duty.

He came across the certain hut wherein
Alma Axell was waking -
On seeing the man, the private made
A challenge three times.

After the fourth time, labourer Alma Axell
Addressed the soldier
Whose gun aimed at him - 'what did
He want with him?'

Private Tuck looked down the barrel;
'Your in a restricted area,'
'I have a living to do as well' - then Axell
Threw a fist of loose stones.

Tuck backed up from the stony clatter,
His gun still squarely aimed,
To consider if this man was a threat;
Who took up more stones.

'I'm warning you,' advised Private Tuck
Who, before more stones
Were thrown, fired - the man fell down,
Forwards to the ground.

From a hesitant moment Private Tuck
Ran to find assistance -
On a return they found the labourer
Still lying on ground - dead.

At an inquest over the death the juror
Asked why not just have shot
Him in leg? - Private Tuck gave reason
Fact of being six paces apart.

The claim of the private was how he
Had shot in self-defense -
Exonerated of any blame, came verdict
Of justifiable homicide.

by Jamie Mann.

Anon.,1916. Sentry Shoots Assailant. The Daily Telegraph, [online] 17 March 1916. P.10. Col.1. Available at: [Accessed: 17 March 2016].

Mann, J., 2016. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 17 March 2016). 

#WW1 #WW1centenary #WW1poem #GreatWar #WW1centenary #worldwarone #worldwaroneremembered #WW1HomeFront

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