Wednesday 30 March 2016

Poem ~ Officer's Political Protest - Thursday, 30 March - Friday, 31 March 1916

Impression sketch of Lieutenant Arthur Turnbull's House of Commons protest - by Jamie.

In carrying out the usual business
At the House of Commons, the act
Of Mr Percy Harris, taking the oath
Took place, Wednesday 29 March
1916 - the New Member for Market
Harborough stood before the table.

Watching from the Distinguished
Strangers Gallery, a few public
Members sat above proceedings -
Mr Harris spoke of his allegiance 
To the crown as events unfolded.

Among the public, was a member
Of the R.A.M.C. - Lieutenant Arthur
Turnbull, who had started to climb
Unhindered over balustrade - aside
The clock, to pause 25 feet above
Bar above the swing door entrance.

A warning shout rang out, while
The agile Lieutenant paused mid-air.
Commons members below moved
Aside, as the Lieutenant let go
Of the balustrade and dropped.

Falling heavily, Turnbull stumbled
By the Serjeant's chair. He jumped
Back to his feet, as members and
Attendants took hold of him to take
Him to the doors - he did not resist
As he looked round to the speaker.

Lieutenant Arthur Turnbull spoke
Out to the presiding officer; 'Sir,
I ask you to protect the heads
Of British soldiers from shrapnel
Fire' - before he was removed.

Turnbull was held in the room
Of the chief inspector, where a
Doctor examined him, prior to
Being taken to Queen Alexandra
Hospital at Millbank - conveyed
By escorts from the war office.

As a member of the Royal Army
Medical Corps, this Lieutenant
Turnbull was found to be recently
Returned from service in Malta,
Lying in the Mediterranean Sea.

Malta had quickly become a centre
In treatment for wounded soldiers;
Named Nurse of the Mediterranean,
With many hospitals on its shore -
1915 had seen there Egyptian cases
Of Australians with venereal diseases.

Through 1915 cases increased from
Gallipoli campaign - so by August
7,044 patients could be looked after.
Reduced to 12,000 by March 1916,
As the Dardanelles campaign waned.

Malta's new phase of medicine began
Spring 1915, with soldiers shipped
From Gallipoli - days voyages carried
Them with advanced sepsis; phase two
Had been Salonica forces - until 1916
Surgery, malaria and dysentery ruled.

'Sir, I ask you to protect the heads
Of British soldiers from shrapnel
Fire.'  Had been Turnbull's message,
Whose action was linked to vigorous
Service in Malta, to lose self control.

by Jamie Mann.

Anon.,1916. Amazing Scenes In The House Of Commons - Drop From The Gallery. The Daily Telegraph, [online] 29 March 1916. P.5. Col.3. Available at: [Accessed: 30 March 2016].

Mann, J., 2016. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 30 March 2016). 

#WW1 #WW1centenary #WW1poem #GreatWar #WW1centenary #worldwarone #worldwaroneremembered #WW1London

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