Tuesday 15 March 2016

Poem ~ Neutral Mexico: German Ally? - Wednesday, 15 March 1916

Impression sketch of Uncle Sam leaping across the border fence with Mexico to chase (Pancho) Villa - by Jamie. From an original image that can be seen at: <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:VillaUncleSamBerrymanCartoon.png> [Accessed: 15 March 2016]

Included in the league of neutral countries,
Mexico paused in the possibility of a war
Across her borders, with the United States
Of America - inverted by a localised crisis
With political revolt from the Porfirian era.

An 1876 coup by Porfirio Díaz, both villain
And hero, failed any stability of succession -
Yet Francisco Madero democracy sparked
Revolution - whose liberal election success
Led to controversy and 1913 assassination.

Mexican failures continued with revolt
Against a return to Porfirian order - others
emerged; Emiliano Zapata, a peasant leader
And rebel fighter - as Venustiano Carranza,
Supporter of Madero made political complexity.

Non-military Carranza became Mexico’s
Head of state from May 1915 - amid reform
Carranza maintained Mexican neutrality.
Yet with such unrest at the foot of America,
Relations had been strained by intervention.

April 1914, prior to any European war, events
Of la decena trágica led President Woodrow
Wilson to authorise a seven-month occupation
Of Veracruz - that further reinforced Mexico
Not to take any side with the United States.

Within their Spanish culture Mexicans held
Dislike of gringoes - Tuesday 14 March 1916
Poised potential United States Mexico war -
In granting President Carranza's government
To cross borders pursing their raiding bandits.

President Wilson’s memo would avert a clash
Of politics, unlikely to halt a slow of followers
To the rebel bandit, Pancho Villa - who had set
To raid border town Columbos - a fear to be
Mexican troops deserting over to Villa's banner.

The belief grew that the gringoes would
Invade their country - this had materialsed
By fact of 12,000 US troops on the border -
Poised to carry out the war secretary's plan,
In a possible three-year Mexican campaign.

Divided opinions held by American people
With opposition to any such war, due
To their army being held in the task - likely
Acting as a message to prompt Germany’s
Kaiser, who might gain a Mexican ally.

President Wilson's intent had been to focus
On capture of Pancho Villa, whose ability
Might rouse North Mexico in his resources
Of fighting talent - The rebels having taken
To the mountains, in use of sniping tactics.

All hung in balance between Villa's charisma
And Carranza's ability to convince the people,
That once Villa was captured, the US would
Leave their territory - with more to go 23 March 
was set for 4000 US troops to enter Mexico.

by Jamie Mann.

Anon.,1916. United States And Mexico - Big Campaign Expected - Troops Ready To Start. The Daily Telegraph, [online] 15 March 1916. P.9. Col.4. Available at: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ww1-archive/12193873/Daily-Telegraph-March-15-1916.html [Accessed: 15 March 2016].

Source: File: Mexico in World War I. Online. Available at: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexico_in_World_War_I> Accessed 15 March 2016

Source: File: History of Mexico. Online. Available at: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Mexico#Porfiriato_.281876.E2.80.931910.29> Accessed 15 March 2016

Source: File: Francisco I. Madero. Online. Available at: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francisco_I._Madero> Accessed 15 March 2016

Mann, J., 2016. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 15 March 2016). 

#WW1 #WW1centenary #WW1poem #GreatWar #WW1centenary #worldwarone #worldwaroneremembered #WW1Mexico

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