Sunday 24 May 2015

Poem ~ Scots Troops killed on Train - Monday, 24 May 1915

Source: File: Scottish Train Crash.jpg, 2015. The Daily Telegraph, [online] 24 May. P.3. Col.2-3. Available at:  [Accessed: 24 May 2015].
Among the worst recorded disasters
To date of May 1915, was a railway
Accident. On 22nd in the early hours,
Were trains caught in triple collisions.

The Glasgow Express was travelling
North - as a local train manoeuvring,
While Royal Scouts travelled south
On a troop train - when all coincided
At St Quentins, near Scottish border.

The local Caledonian train, leaving
Some minutes after 6 a.m. moved
On the line, just before a troop train -
Containing the regimental companies
Of Royal Scots from Larbert, Falkirk.

A collision occurred between both
Trains, minutes before the Express
Was due to reach that spot - with
No time or attempts, to stop the next
Express train ploughing into them.

The resulting triple accident was
To create a bursting fire, that race
Amid smashed wood and twisted
Steel, spreading quickly to suffocate
And burn alive any wounded people.


Raging flames broke through
The triple tragedy, so within
Minutes, three train wrecks
Were furiously burning -

Between two great engines
The Scotch Express sleeping
Carriages consumed
By fire resulted in officers

Being burned or killed
Outright - as well as troops
Ammunition was carried -
So that explosions amid

Burning carriages. blasted
Elements. adding further
To risk of deaths - nearly
All occurred on troop trains.

Despite the presence of fire
Engines, the wrecked trains
In fierce flame, reduced
To little more that twisted

Steel and iron - those able
To get from the wreck, turned
About to help those still
Trapped - the only way

To release some of them
With arm and leg amputations.

 by Jamie Mann.

Anon.,1915. Scottish Train Disaster. The Daily Telegraph, [online] 24 May. P.8. Col.6. Available at: [Accessed: 24 May 2015].

Mann, J., 2015. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 24 May 2015).

#WW1 #WW1centenary #GreatWar #WW1poem #GreatWar #WW1centenary #worldwarone #worldwaroneremembered #WW1Scotland

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