Sunday 31 May 2015

Poem ~ School for Marksmen - Monday, 31 May 1915

Impression sketch Musketry Class 1915 - by Jamie. taken from an original image which can be seen at: 

1915 Saturday 27 May, Pall Mall
London saw a spring meeting,
For National Rifle Association – 
In the chair Lord Cheylesmore
Spoke, how the meeting should
Discuss July’s competitions -
Yet many members were away
Using skills on frontline; now
There would be no programmes.

With domination of war, Bisley
Had only seen one musketry
Course, run with assistance from
Captain Summers and Major
Richardson, men and officers
Had gained Bisley certificates.

Raised at a previous meeting,
Lord Cheylesmore had requested
Telescopea - with an offer coming
From a lady for one on a mahogany
Stand - to be met with laughter  -
Current telescopic sights available
Were German - although approval
Had been given to a British scope
Designed by Major Lattey  - one
Of which was passed around.

Between laughter and cheers,
The meeting went on to say how
Machine Gun course was being
Attended, by over a 1000 men –
How professional and amateur
Men worked together, which could
Only benefit the war office -
The association being a best friend.

Bisley School's Chief Instructor,
Major Richardson told how well
The school worked - How 1,191
Men had been passed - 384
Instructors were now employed
In the New Army – one instructing
Musketry to 1000 men - to total
A million and quarter men.

by Jamie Mann.

Anon.,1915. National Rifle Association  - training Marksmen. The Daily Telegraph, [online] 31 May. p.3. Col.6. Available at:  [Accessed: 31 May  2015].

Mann, J., 2014. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 31 June  2015). 


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