Sunday 17 July 2016

Poem ~ Private Brown Aged 16 - Monday, 17 July 1916

Impression sketch for Private Brown aged 16

While well known how youth
Was keen to take part in war,
With older peers or brothers -
Determination was told of one
Particular boy, Fred Brown.

Home of the family was Gould
Road, Twickenham - August
1914 saw young Fred Brown
2 months after he turned 16 - 
His older brother was aged 17.

Already in the army, stationed
At Gibralter, the older Brown's
Battalion returned to Hounslow,
Ready to go to France - at a time
When volunteers were drafted.

Fred Brown was among those
That wanted to go and fight
But due to his age, unaccepted.
Yet 'no' was not an option for
This boy, who followed the draft.

As they collected their kit, Fred
Made a request that he might
Be allowed to join them - but
He was told he should stay; 
Only his brother was to go.

When the draft moved onto
The train station, Fred Brown
Followed - still, 'no' was not
An option - as the train pulled
Out, a carriage door opened.

Amid eager youths there was
A scramble to get aboard, Fred
Brown among them - already
Ahead at Southampton, a wire
Alerted the waiting authorities.

Having had their fun, the boys
Were rounded up - all except
Fred Brown - most likely helped,
He was smuggled to the boat,
Which set off across to France.

As they sailed, Fred Brown's
Civilian appearance and years
Gave him away - Fred aged
16 persisted, requesting that
He became an officer's servant.

Finally his desire was granted -
Over the next months of war
Fred recovered from shrapnel
Wounds - an eager, willing duty
Took Private Brown to Ypres.

During this time young Private
Fred Brown suffered in a gas
Attack, to leave him in serious
Condition - but as a soldier
He was ready for the Somme.

June 26 1916, close to his 18th
Birthday Private Fred Brown was
Killed, during a bombardment -
No mention of his brother, to say
Their father served on east coast.

By Jamie Mann.

Anon.,1916. 1916. British Boy's Courage - Killed On The Battlefield. The Daily Telegraph, [online] 17 July 1916. P.3. Col.7. Available at: <> [Accessed: 17 July 2016].

Mann, J., 2016. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 17 July 2016). 

#WW1 #WW1centenary #GreatWar #WW1poem #GreatWar #WW1centenary #worldwarone #worldwaroneremembered #WW1Somme

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