Sunday 3 July 2016

Poem ~ 2 July 1916: Somme Survivor - Monday , 3 July 1916

Source: File: A British Soldier At The Battle Of The Somme: Private Cyril Jose. Available at: <> [Accessed 03 July 2016]

There was no time to
Give up - each slow minute
Had left day 1 to creep
Into day 2 - not to be
Forgotten, as hardened
Fights carried on.

Pathetic roll calls
Saw many unanswered
Names - though men
Lay dead many others
Had survived with
Treatable wounds.

The dark hours were
Short - a new day had lifted.
At 3.30 a.m. one private
Of 2nd Devons, Cyril
Jose had been
Prompted by shouts.

'Remember Belgium
And the Lusitania!' - yet this
Was at odds; in lack
Of Belgium hospitality
And rich Americans -
Then the Lieutenant fell.

Private Jose suddenly
Felt the thud of a bullet, to hit
His chest and shoulder.
Despite orders not
To stop, two men
Saw to his wounds.

They drenched iodine
Onto his injury - Jose laid
Behind the dead
Officer and batman,
Where he spent
Hours, in and out
Of consciousness.

Using water bottles
Nearby, Jose stayed very still -
He played dead when
German patrol passed.
The pin of a mills bomb
In his teeth, ready
To take them with him.

His presence ignored,
Private Jose remained prone,
As hours slipped into
Darkness - finally
In the still early hours,
He crawled away.

Through long grass
That hid his slow progress,
He came across men
Settled into death -
Until he met a regular
Soldier, Lamacraft.

They crawled as one -
Private Lamacraft wounded
In legs and back - until
Weakness and their
Movement attracted
Attempts of pot shots.

Jose pulled the other
Man into a dip of a shell crater.
'Lammy' could not go
Without being carried.
Jose left him ringed
With water bottles.

With slow eternal
Progress, Jose spotted
A gap in the wire
Ahead - a periscope
Indicated a sentry -
He crawled closer.

He lifted himself up
And toppled into the trench -
Officers encouraged
Rum down him - they
Said it was impossible
To send out bearers.

Lamacraft would have
To stay there, while private
Jose was moved
Down to Le Treport -
Months later he learnt
Of Lamacraft's survival.

Two years in the army
Private Cyril Jose was aged 17,
As he survived day 1
Of the Somme - a keen
Soldier, writing home for
Comics and pocket money.

Behind survivors
Departures, day 2 grinded
On in weary irony for
A day of rest - Sunday
2 July, would see
Hand to hand fights.

Renewal of a major assault
Focused on the German second
Lines - amid battered
Areas of Mametz
And Trones woods, came
Hand to hand encounters.

The fourth army's job
Was to secure the devastated
Villages - Lieutenant
Colonel Ronald Fife
Suggested withdrawal
And new artillery attack.

With agreement,
Fife then later took steps,
After cease fire, for
Patrols into Fricourt.
Following advances
Amid the laying dead.

He sent a messenger
To ask an escort into Forecourt
Without quick response,
Fife decided to enter
Alone - as he walked
Fife called, 'Come out!'

There were no sign
Of souls as messenger returned.
The Lincolns were
To attack - he waited,
As their line passed
Away into the village.

No resistance came
From German trenches, as they
Moved up to the lines
Beyond - Fife watched
Progress, then enemies
Emerged in surrender.

by Jamie Mann.

Brown, M., 1997. The Imperial War Museum Book Of The Somme. Pan Books.  Ch. 6 The Second Day - And After.

Source: File: The Battle of the Somme - Albert. Available at: <> [Accessed 03 July 2016]

Source: File: A British Soldier At The Battle Of The Somme. Available at: <> [Accessed 03 July 2016]

Mann, J., 2016. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 3 July 2016). 

#WW1 #WW1centenary #GreatWar #WW1poem #GreatWar #WW1centenary #worldwarone #worldwaroneremembered #WW1Somme

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