Tuesday 20 October 2015

Poem ~ Hill 70 Taken - Wednesday, 20 October 1915

Source: File: British infantry advancing through gas at Loos, 25 September 1915..jpeg Photo taken by a soldier of the London Rifle Brigade (1/5th Battalion, The London Regiment) - [online] see an original image at: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Loos> [20 October 2015].

With the new armies engaged about Loos,

Determined actions of the Welsh Guards
Commenced in early hours of a Monday
27 September; within darkness they began.

Over ground unfamiliar to the Welsh fighters,
Their target was to make capture of Hill 70 -
A piece of earth that had been seized
And lost numbers of times - they moved.

A small fight within a big fight, in slopes
Of occupied trenches to feel their force -
Despite finding themselves in tunnel
Of fire they fought forwards - they rushed.

In the gain of Hill 70 ground, casualties
Took down their officers - the first to fall
Captain Osmond Williams afterwards
Lieutenant Randolph - they fought onwards.

Further were wounded a Lieutenant
Rupert Lewis, along with a Captain
Rhys Williams  - then success to take
Hill 70 marked by losses  - they won.

The Welsh Guards Senior Captain Palmer,
Who had led a charge to take that Hill 70
Was hit and killed by a rifle bullet - the news
Sent to Lord Mayor of Cardiff, sadly learned.

by Jamie Mann.

Anon.,1915. Welsh Guard Baptism of Fire at Hill 70. The Daily Telegraph, [online] 20 October. P.11. Col.3. Available at: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ww1-archive/11928898/Daily-Telegraph-October-20-1915.html [Accessed: 20 October 2015].

Mann, J., 2015. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 20 October 2015). 

#WW1 #WW1centenary #GreatWar #WW1poem #GreatWar #WW1centenary #worldwarone #worldwaroneremembered #WW1Loos

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