Saturday 12 September 2015

Poem ~ Mountain Wars - Sunday, 12 September 1915

Impression sketch of a priest saying mass to Italian troops on the Italo-Austrian front in the Tyrolean Mountains, 1915 - by Jamie. See original at:

In part of the frontline where
Winter had apparently arrived -
For the situation on the Alps
Prompted Italian preparations,
For impending winter months.

Officials conferred in Rome,
Over 10 September 1915, in
Systemizations over townships,
Then under military forces -
Numbering hundred and three.

Additionally was question
Over Italy taking a greater
Part in the war front - as well
As considerations in their
Munitions productions.

The Italian cabinet meeting
Headed by minister of war,
To reaffirm their armies met
All needs, in winter equipment,
For fights on Carso and Alps.

For some time already,
Winter preparations had
Been made - with trenches,
Huts all supplied and well
Equipped with stoves.

Despite wintery conditions,
Advances were seen to be
Continuing - as in Trentino
Communes taken, as Austrian
Forts became ineffective.

Austrian retaliation had
Turned, to attempt reduction
Of their lost communes down
Into rubble, forcing refugees
To seek shelter in Italy.

Questioning of prisoners
Suggested Austrian reserves
Had been used - sent over
To Galicia to remain static on
Isonzo-Carso, Trentino lines.

The suggestion was the fight
In Galicia, led to losses
Of 50,000 Austrian soldiers -
Under Russian forces,
To recall Roumanian corps.

The belief was thought that
Little more than four army
Austrian corps remained - 
On Serbo-Roumanian front;
Their presence spread out.

While a German presence
Relatively small, Austrian
Corps had two in Transylvania,
One in Banat and remainder
In Danube, Drina and Save.

 by Jamie Mann.

Anon.,1915. Italy's Preparations - Ready For Winter - Austria's Heavy Losses. The Daily Telegraph, [online] 11 September. P.8. Col.3. Available at: [Accessed: 12 September 2015].

Mann, J., 2015. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 12 September 2015). 

#WW1 #WW1centenary #GreatWar #WW1poem #GreatWar #WW1centenary #worldwarone #worldwaroneremembered #WW1Italy

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