Thursday 3 November 2016

Poem ~ Private Thomas Hughes VC - Friday, 3 November 1916 - Sunday, 5 November 1916

Source: File: Private Thomas Hughes VC. His injuries continued to trouble him after the war. See an original image at: <> [Accessed 03 November 2016]

A soldier from the British Isles infantry,
Joined the list of names from Somme
VC awards - born in Ireland Corravoo,
Castleblayney 30 May 1885; Thomas
Hughes answered the call for soldiers.

He became Private Hughes 3-5027
In the 6th Battalion, The Connaught
Rangers - aged 31 by July 1916's
Opening Somme offensive; various
Battles marked out different stages.

Two months into the onslaught saw
Concentration around the commune
Of Guillemont - on the British sector's
Right edge stood alongside French
6th army - having already seen battle.

The purpose then, was to prevent
Formation of a stronghold salient
On north side of Delville Wood, that
Was then ringed by German hold.
Here the Connaught Rangers fought.

From Irish shores Private Thomas
Hughes was no stranger to races,
Having before the war worked
As a jockey - Although this terrain
Was tough, with no sign of a horse.

Thomas worked quickly on his feet.
The official opening commenced
3 September, as Private Hughes
Dashed alongside the Rangers,
When a wound stopped his tracks.

Luckily to be just a minor injury quickly
Dressed - with impatience Hughes
Went out again - catching company
Of his fellow Rangers he looked out
To the racetrack; Hughes saw danger.

A short distance ahead Private Hughes
Spotted movement of semi-concealed
German machine gun - in surprise
Of those taking shelter Hughes sped
Into a game of dodge and running.

The machine gunner focused on
Him alone - in rapid reaction Hughes
Sprinted and zigzagged to avoid
The barrel's aim - although a bullet
Or two were to find a mark on him.

As in one moment of either then
Or nothing, Hughes did not wait
Or think, but reacted to take aim.
Hughes feet carried him fast - one
Shot and the gunner had fallen.

Suddenly Hughes found himself
At the front of the machine gun.
In shock or relief, the remainder
Of the crew put up their hands,
He marched back his prisoners.

The rangers moved on, as their
Fellow hero had remaining wounds
Dressed - With Hughes determined
Actions he was to be recommended
For an award of the Victoria Cross.

by Jamie Mann.

Anon.,1916. Fifteen New V.C's. The Daily Telegraph, [online] 27 October 1916. P.8. Col.7. Available at: <> [Accessed: 03 November 2016].

Source: File: Battle of the Somme: Tale of a forgotten Monaghan hero.
Available at: <> [Accessed 03 November 2016]

Source: File: Thomas Hughes VC. Available at: <> [Accessed 03 November 2016]

Mann, J., 2016. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 03 November 2016). 

#WW1 #WW1centenary #GreatWar #WW1poem #GreatWar #WW1centenary #worldwarone #worldwaroneremembered #WW1medal

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