Thursday 30 June 2016

Poem ~ Somme Mines - Friday, 30 June - 1916

Source: File: The Somme: Secret Tunnel Wars (WWI Documentary) (BBC). [online] See: <> [Accessed: 30 June 2016]

 Source: File: British infantry attack plan for 1 July 1916, the "first day on the Somme". British and French front line shown in red, German front line shown in blue. German second and third lines shown as dashed blue lines. British and French objectives on the first. [online] See an original image at: <> [Accessed: 30 June 2016]

French Companies had started
Digging under German lines for some time.
Then the British arrival at the Somme
Carried on their task - these Royal
Engineers set up their base at Bray.

Maricourt La Boisselle, Fricourt,
And Carnoy shafts came into their control -
Named the 'Glory Hole' by the British;
An area about which careful secrecy
Was maintained and defended closely.

War under foot was a different 
Dimension to the fighting above ground.
With fundamental preparations
For the Somme breakthrough,
19 dug tunnels led to mines.

While the number was less than
Intended, the undertaking was ambitious -
In a south position were nine
Smaller mines about Fricourt;
Being charges of triple Tambour.

Out of Beaumont Hamel three
Tunnels spread out - one a communication
Trench connected to jumping off
Point of Sunken Lane, the others
Made towards Hawthorn Ridge.

There at 30 yards from German
Edges, in depth of 57 feet, a deep gallery
Created was filled with ammonal.
Prepared for zero hour - a dispute
Was raised over timing the mine.

A request for ridge's detonation,
By Lieutenant-General Hunter Weston,
To be four hours earlier, allowing
Resulting crater to be taken,
For any enemy alarm to settle.

Headquarters stated 'no,' but
Lieutenant-General Hunter Weston's
Persistence led to compromise;
Ridge redoubt would be blown
Ten minutes before zero hour.

In previous battle actions of
Lieutenant-General Hunter Weston,
General Haig declared him as
Rank amateur; despite some
Successful Gallipoli tactics.

Lacking competence earned
Hunter Weston the nickname 'Hunter-
Bunter' - with ruling tendency
Towards brutality, he led VIII
Corps within Somme Sector.

Tunnelled preparations were
Readied, as at Lochnagar Street mine -
In order to make crater cover
Against exposure to enemy fire,
All readied for the Battle of Albert.

by Jamie Mann.

Source: File: Mines on the first day of the Somme Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 June 2016]

Source: File: Aylmer Hunter-Weston. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 June 2016]

Mann, J., 2016. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 30 June 2016). 

#WW1 #WW1centenary #GreatWar #WW1poem #GreatWar #WW1centenary #worldwarone #worldwaroneremembered #WW1Somme

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