Sunday 19 July 2015

Poem ~ The Orduna Incident - Monday, 19 July 1915

Impression sketch of SS Orduña - by Jamie. See the original at:

In the dead of night at sea,
SS Orduna was sailing
In early hours of 9 July 1915 -
Her destination heading
For New York, a passenger
Liner with its history in war.

Barely a year old the Belfast
Built Ocean Liner had
A part in a rescue of Russian
Crew of Loch Torridon
A sailing ship with a leak that
Had moved timber to Ireland.

While a question might remain
Over the Captain's name,
The New York arrival of Orduna
Resulted in a hearing over
The ship being targeted, around
The time of sinking of SS Leo.

In replying to his questioning
Captain Taylor said how
There had been no warning
Of an attack, refusing to say
More saying that a passenger,
Baron RozenKrantz saw it all.

In a full explanation the Baron
Told how Orduna had
Sailed from Liverpool 8 July,
At 2.30 in the afternoon -
It was then in the early hours
A vessel was seen just ahead.

The time was between five
And six a.m. - the small
Boat, close by, on the side,
That was turned towards 
The Orduna, had two painted
American flags, to raise suspicion.

Captain Taylor took the action
Avoiding the boat -
The Baron and others on deck
Thought how the boat
Might hide a submarine - with
A wide berth, she was forgotten.

Once the vessel was left behind,
Within some minutes,
The Baron raised his glasses
Out to sea, to see a white
Streak approaching - all saw
A torpedo moving at half a mile.

This was when the Orduna
Was ordered to react,
Described as jumping ahead
And swerving about,
So the torpedo missed her
Rudder, by only twenty yards.

Passengers with glasses then
Looked out to the sailing
Boat, in order to make the name.
Thomas Graham stated
It was likely to be 'Normanie' -
Or something very like that.

With the Orduna sailing on
To New York - as on that
Same date 9 July, the voyage
Of SS Leo came from
Philadelphia with their general
Cargo heading towards Brittan.

20 miles from the spot where
Orduna had been attacked,
The SS Leo was later torpedoed,
By German U-20 who had
Forced the sailing barque to hide
Their presence, the crew stated.

With 'Normandy' was detained
Night of 9 July, at Liverpool,
The Captain denied crew's word.
The Leo, a Russian vessel,
While lost, all the crew survived
From underhand German tactic.

by Jamie Mann.

Anon.,1915. Disgraceful Trick. The Daily Telegraph, [online] 19 July. P.9. Col.5. Available at: [Accessed: 19 July 2015].

Mann, J., 2015. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 19 July 2015). 

#WW1 #WW1centenary #GreatWar #WW1poem #GreatWar #WW1centenary #worldwarone #worldwaroneremembered #WW1Ships

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