Saturday 11 July 2015

Poem ~ Africa: Germans Defeated - Sunday, 11 July 1915

Impression sketch of A Clean Sweep. [With Mr Punch's enthusiastic compliments to General Botha.] - by Jamie. See the original at:

Closure on one battlefront,
Came with success of General Botha
And surrender of German forces -
30 miles North of Otavia at Tusumeb;
Colonel Myburgh captured guns
With release of British Prisoners.

Such was the marking of victory
In South West Africa - which
Had been involved from opening
Of war in 1914, when British
Imperial Garrison had transferred
From South Africa to France.

In protection from any German
Actions, the Union Defence
Force acted to protect Africa - while
Louis Botha, prime minister,
Then faced Afrikaner nationalist's
Desire for neutrality.

With lack of water sources, borders
Of German-held South Africa,
Consisted of barren open desert.
Yet the rugged land allowed
Germans to create a defensive line;
Keetmanshoop to Windbuk

With reluctance a Botha Government
Created volunteer expeditionary
Force, as Britain asked for capture
Of German stations - officially
South Africa entered the war on date
Of 14 September 1914.

Following on defeat at Sandfontein,
The British survivors were
Given allowance to return to their
Territory - after some few
Months Germans acted to make
Their invasion at Kakamas.

The conflict of February 1915
Centered on the control of two fords
Over the Orange River - this
Time South Africans halted German
Invading forces in their
Attempt to cross the Orange River.

As experienced commander,
Prime Minster Botha,
In taking command of Northern
Force, passed on control
Of Southern troops under the
Lead of General Smuts.

All became ready for a March
Invasion - in advance Botha,
By Swakop Valley, took control
Of communities then enter
5 May 1915, Windhuk, the capital;
To reject German surrender.

Botha continued the conflict,
Declaring martial law -
In actions to separate German
Forces from all coastal
Regions, worked on maneuvers
To enclose the enemy.

With columns fanned out these
Commander’s experiences,
From fighting Boers, used swift
Actions to beat Germans
Northwest, who took stand at Otavi.

Between Otavi and Otavfontein,
Major Ritter attempted
To stall Botha for time - for forces
At Tsombie to reinforce
Positions, but failure came - Botha
Troops routed Ritters troops.

In the breaking down of German
Lines, the campaign moved
To an end; as General Smuts took
To secure Luderitzbucht -
For an eventual push of southern
Germans into Botha's hands.

 by Jamie Mann.

Anon.,1915. Botha's Final Triumph. Evening Post, Volume XC, Issue 9, [online] 10 July. P.5. Available at: [Accessed: 11 July 2015].

Source: File: South-West Africa Campaign. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed: 11 July 2015].

Source: File: Battle of Otavi. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed: 11 July 2015].

Mann, J., 2015. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 11 July 2015). 

#WW1 #WW1centenary #GreatWar #WW1poem #GreatWar #WW1centenary #worldwarone #worldwaroneremembered #WW1SouthAfica

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