Friday 3 July 2015

Poem ~ Jaunts for the Wounded - Saturday, 3 July 1915

Impression sketch of taxi cabs taking wounded soldiers into the countryside - by Jamie. 

Taking a ride for a motor drive,
In the fresh country air -
was to prove for convalescent
Soldiers a treat from
Weeks of subjection to hospital

Such a fact was recognised
By driver owners,
Of London taxi cabs - who came
Together to give
Their services, for weekend
Country jaunts.

Ten days before, 24 June, started
A trial at Military Hospital
Myatt's Fields, Camberwell - thirty
Drivers took parties
Of soldiers to Chertsey, another
To Epsom Downs.

While such a scheme may have
Made many wish a chance
To be a driver - was a reminder
To residents in districts
Close to London, might provide
Garden teas.

For entertainers of this kind,
To give pleasure
For wounded soldiers, asked
To contact Mr Hearn,
Of Good and Coopers Garage,
Or Mr Webb of Wandsworth.

by Jamie Mann.

Anon.,1915. Motor Drivers for Wounded Soldiers. The Daily Telegraph, [online] 3 July. P.2. Col.3. Available at: [Accessed: 3 July 2015].

Mann, J., 2015. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 3 July 2015).

#WW1 #WW1centenary #GreatWar #WW1poem #GreatWar #WW1centenary #worldwarone #worldwaroneremembered #WW1London

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