Wednesday 22 July 2015

Poem ~ 'Land of the Cursed Water' - Thursday, 22 July 1915

Impression sketches Canal at Boesinghe entrance to Ypres before and during war - by Jamie. See the originals at:

An official French communication,
From 10 July 1915, gave information
Of further failed German attacks,
About the Yser canal – a wounded
French solider had provided a picture.

The German perspective of a ‘Land
Of cursed waters,' was given by one
Captured German. From their place
On right bank, here enemy made hold.

While all German caution had been
Taken, word reached French command
Of enemy preparations, for full attack -
With this information the French were
Prepared and ready for such an assault.  

9 July opened, with dawn of German
Gas bombs on the French left bank.
After the gas bombs, at 9 a.m. massed
German force provided little surprise.

An enemy formed a funnel attack over
The old stone bridge of Boesinghe -
Previously having made heavy attempt
In October 14 - chain bridges slung
Across, about the bridge of Yser canal.

Some shallow water allowed a waded
Crossing  - thus the German made
A tenuous hold on the French side -
Then confident, to be given new orders.

German troops were to take French
Second line trenches, a short distance
On - by then the bridges streaming
With German grey setting to reinforce
Their hold on the left bank of the Yser.

At a stage when a Bavarian Company
Filled the bridge, their luck halted in hit
By French 75’s - within moments bridge
Heads hit to fall into waters below,
With many Bavarians amid broken stone.

With crossing destroyed, more attempts
Of German chain bridges were hurriedly
Thrown across, amidst French counter
Attacks of Belgian and French Marines
Fixed bayonets, out to clear the left bank.

Chaos took over within German Lines -
They struggled, falling in their attempts
To assist two of their stranded battalions;
French 75's re focused on sappers work.

Under French fire they abandoned
Materials, if those soldiers were not hit
They fell to submerge in the canal depth;
Survival became nearly impossible,
'In the land of the cursed water.'

by Jamie Mann.

Anon.,1915. Fighting at Boesinghe – Germans Trap. The Daily Telegraph, [online] 22 July. P.10. Col.2. Available at: [Accessed: 22 July 2015].

Mann, J., 2015. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 22 July 2015). 

#WW1 #WW1centenary #GreatWar #WW1poem #GreatWar #WW1centenary #worldwarone #worldwaroneremembered #WW1Boesinghe

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