Saturday 31 January 2015

Poem ~ Battle of Dogger Bank - Sunday 31 January 1915

Source: File: German battlecruisers.jpg, 2015. (L - R) Derfflinger, Moltke and Seydlitz en route to Dogger Bank.. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed: 31 January 2015].

Source: File: Petty Officer Stoker ­Edward ­Attwood.jpg, 2015. Petty Officer Stoker ­Edward ­Attwood was one of the first men killed at the Battle of Dogger Bank in the North Sea on 24 January 1915. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed: 31 January 2015].

From glaciated debris, a moraine had formed,
In the Pleistocene ages  - with time, a period
Of glaciations and the melting of ice, carried
Transported rocks and silt sized glacial flour -
Within the undulations of time, to make a low
Landmass above the sea, to form an open land bank. 

That spreading space between a smaller and
Larger land mass, where early people roamed,
Until the ice age ended - with greatest of floods -
To spill across the moraine, makes an island,
To be named by mankind as England - as that
Sunken landmass of Doggerland, became Dogger Bank.

Moving rapidly through time, over one thousand
Nine hundred and fifteen years ahead - formed
By the Western Calendar  - opened up another
Human war of civilized lands - Then in advanced
Stages of machine led conflict - as their craft
Took to the sea, to trespass the waters of Dogger Bank.

With the submarine strategy of German navy,
Having been suppressed  - a further tactic
To hit the British Isles, came by an attack
Onto three coastal towns, on 16 December,
Under an attack of shells left civilians dead.
The Germans having taken their path by Dogger Bank.

With many navel battles having taken place,
And acts by German craft, setting on the Island
Of the British, brought attacks of coastal areas -
Forced the need of naval reconnaissance
Off the East coast of England - keeping watch,
For further enemy approach of North Sea's Dogger Bank.

Admiral Eckermann, promoted to Vice Admiral,
Being chief of staff to German High Seas Fleet,
Desired an operation to take on the British Fleet.
Yet the man in command, Admiral Ingenohi -
Disagreed, with the SMS Von der Tann out
Of action for dry-dock maintenance - their fastest
A well-armed turbined warship. On Eckermann's
Continued Insistence, Admiral Hipper was sent to Dogger Bank.

A capture of a codebook, gained by Russian forces,
Led to shared information with their British allies.
The book's contents opened up an ability to decode
Enemy radio traffic, to learn how Admiral Hipper
Had begun the process for a new coastal raid.
Five battle crafts, light cruisers with destroyers
Moved south ready for Hipper and his ships.
The British fleet waited above the submerged Dogger Bank.

A German fleet Led by Seydlitz, and followed
By Derfflinger, Moltke and Blücher - along with
Light cruisers Rostock, Kolberg - while Stralsund
And Graudenz led the forward screen, nineteen
Torpedo boats, formed half-flotilla, to each light
Cruiser - a fierce German formation moved to Dogger Bank.

Back in Room 40 enemy wireless messages
Were intercepted - the precise detailed plans
Of Hipper could not be made, but an operation
Was heading for the East Coast and North Sea.
English fleet acted quickly with a rendezvous
of Commodore Tyrwhitt's Harwich Force, came
Moore's 2nd Battlecruiser Squadron, second
Light Cruiser Squadron of Goodenough - and
Beatty's 1st Battlecruiser Squadron - to meet
8 a.m. 24 January - 30 miles north of the Dogger Bank.

By 8:15 a.m. the enemy Kolberg spotted Aurora
Of Harwich Force - who sent out their searchlight.
A reply of two hits began retaliation - while Hipper
Turned his cruisers into the fire - Northwest saw
A signal of smoke of British warships - Blücher
At the rear, fired on a light cruiser and destroyers,
Coming from the stern - to start the battle of Dogger Bank.

Hipper's battle cruisers were in poor position
To move south to retreat - limited by their speed.
The British steaming ability, soon made gains -
As Blücher found herself under fire from Lion, then
Tiger and Princess Royal made hits - by 10:09 a.m.
German fire turned on Lion, to be hit on waterline,
With another on its forward turret, to stop its gun.
Now sea war raged in waters, that lay above Dogger Bank.

The New Zealand, now in range of Blücher, made
Fire. 10:35 and the German force was all in range
Of British ships -11:00 and Blücher was battered
By heavy shelling - Moltke, Derfflinger and Seydlitz
Made hits on Lion. At 11:48 Indomitable had arrived,
With Beatty's orders to destroy Blücher - that was
Now on fire and listing to port, above the waters of Dogger Bank.

Within Blücher's badly hit bulk - started the end.
A survivor stated how the shells took stokehold,
With half empty bunkers of coal alight - inside
The engine room, a shell sprayed oil - to make
Flames of green and blue - an explosion from
Air pressure in the confined space, sent a great
Explosion; men amid machines would meet death.
Now it was inevitable that Blücher would sink in Dogger Bank.

Reports of U-boats ahead forced British evasive
Movements, allowing German ships to make distance.
Beatty, in the damaged Lion, gave cruisers orders
To hit enemy’s rear- but signals confused they still
Set on Blücher - the ship fought to repulse cruisers.
Then Aurora made two hits with torpedoes - all her
Guns silenced, except the rear mount - now at point
Blank, seven more torpedoes bit into the Blücher -
To capsize - like ants the crew scrambled into sea of Dogger Bank.

With Blücher sinking, British destroyers moved
To rescue survivors - yet a Zeppelin believing
The Blücher to be British, dropped bombs onto
The destroyers who had to withdraw - among
The 1,200 crew, only 234 lived along with their
Captain Erdmann - the Blücher concentration had
Allowed battle cruisers to escape - the Derfflinger
Seydlitz, and Moltke were to assist the Blücher,
But the flagship's severe damage left her to sink in Dogger Bank.

by Jamie Mann.

Source: File: Battle of Dogger Bank (1915) Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [online] Available at: <> Accessed: 31 January 2015].

Mann, J., 2015. 100 years Ago - Poems by Jamie Mann. [letter] (Personal communication, 31 January 2015).

#WW1 #WW1centenary #GreatWar #WW1poem #GreatWar #ww1centenary #worldwarone #worldwaroneremembered 

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